at the connected life center
The philosophy of the
Connected Life Center
because we do; it is just how we are created
because connection heals
because you deserve for us to be experts in our craft
because we know that working together creates a community that heals
Connection & Relationship
We get hurt in relationship and we heal in relationship. The problem is that after getting hurt the last thing we want to do is trust a relationship enough to find that healing. It doesn’t have to be the same relationship that caused the pain, but it does take honesty, vulnerability and hard work. Connection with each other is at the core of everything we do in this life. Therefore, connection is the core of everything we do at the Connected Life Center. Every model of therapy we engage in and every model listed below uses connection as the basis for exploration, growth, transformation and healing.
Play Therapy
Non-directive play is one of the best gifts you can give your children. It is essential for children educationally, socially, physically, mentally and emotionally. Children use play to balance their emotions. When they engage in unwanted behavior, children are expressing their frustration, and lack of knowledge, about how to work through a situation. Through collaborative play with the CLC Family, your child can explore and learn emotional balance and stability. In our engaging, therapeutic playroom, we offer toys, water and sand play to help your child grow. Unlike adult “talk therapy,” children use their natural language of play to regulate their feelings and behavior. Through play therapy, your child can become more confident, happier and better behaved. You will be giving your son or daughter a life-long foundation for healthier relationships and life success.
EFT - Emotionally Focused Therapy - For Couples
Sometimes, being in a relationship can be the most frustrating, lonely place of all. There is hope, and lots of it! Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) has been empirically studied, has amazing results, and documented success. The pain of having the same argument over and over is exhausting, and can feel hopeless. Working with one of our therapists and EFT, you learn to take the “off ramp” to the crazy cycle that is robbing you of the love and connection you want. We work on creating positive connection and shape your relationship the way you want.
“Research studies find that 70-75% of couples move from distress to recovery and approximately 90% show significant improvements” with EFT. To learn more about Emotionally Focused Therapy click EFT. In the video excerpts, Dr. Johnson, the founder of EFT, explains Emotionally Focused Therapy, attachment and how and why EFT works. You can purchase the book Hold Me Tight by Dr. Johnson. If you and your partner are struggling, Emotionally Focused Therapy can save you and your partner time, money and most of all, extended, unnecessary pain.
Brainspotting & EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Eye-movement Desensitization Reprocessing (She wished she had just named it “Reprocessing Therapy”)
Brainspotting and EMDR are incredibly effective therapy methods, similar to no other therapy around. Like REM sleep helps us process all that we experience when awake, Brainspotting and EMDR reprocessing helps us process stuck, unwanted, upsetting images, traumas and experiences. Neuroplasticity, or the ability to rewire the brain, is what Brainspotting and EMDR does. They rewire thinking patterns that keep us stuck in fear, hurt, anger, resentment and trauma.
Trained in EMDR
Kristie Cain, LMFT-S & RPTS 78868
Trained in Brainspotting
Kristie Cain, LMFT-S & RPTS 78868
Rosemary Kane, LMFT-S, CATC IV MFC 45667
Karl Stenske, IMA, Adoption and Trauma Specialist, MFT Student Trainee
Connection is the ability to relate, empathize and share with another person or group of people. Attachment is forming a much deeper bond of trust, familiarity, acceptance, support and safety with another individual person. The fastest, strongest and most profound healing occurs in attached relationships. At the Connected Life Center we are trained on how to help you identify your attachment needs, overcome your blocks in achieving that attachment and build deep attachment based relationships with those in your life. Your spouse, children, parents and friends. Attachment is especially vital in foster and adoptive relationships. It is easy to confuse connection and bonding with attachment. Not to worry. We can guide you through all of the stages.
Sandtray Therapy
Sandtray therapy allows adults and children to use symbolism to process whatever is going on. Much of sandtray is based in Jungian philosophy, but there are other contributors as well. The sandtray represents our world. When, where and how things are placed, help the specially trained sandtray therapist help you process whatever is going on. Sand play with our therapists can help you, your child and family experience deep, significant healing and change. Sandtray accesses the unconscious, showing challenges you, your child and family are facing, and helping work out those stuck points. Because words are not required, sandtray helps us access our left and right brain to process and heal. This frequently leads to improved moods and actions. Sandtray therapy is proven to be very helpful and effective with teens, adults, children and families.
Experiential Play Therapy for Adults
The brain operates on images, sounds, feelings and symbols. As infants and toddlers we are processing a whole new world full of images, sounds, feelings and symbols. First, we know what mom looks like, then we learn the language of what word refers to the image of mom. Because the brain continues to operate this way throughout our lives it gives us an incredible opportunity to help you move through therapy in a much deeper and more meaningful way. When we, as adults, allow ourselves to play we are able to tap into our primal language to process emotions. So often our emotions and healing are blocked because we don’t have the language to explain how we are feeling. Play for an adult may include playing with children’s toys, but more likely will include more active activities like playing air hockey, crafting, throwing or shooting a ball and so on. If you will let yourself play during your therapy sessions, you will be opening the door to a powerful form of healing.