Here For you…

As parents and adults we have no idea the power our children have, or that we had, for that matter.
Over two decades ago, Kristie was watching her two year old daughter play. What she learned is the foundation of the Connected Life Center play therapy model. A child, 24 months old, can work out deep, complex emotional issues, so they are no longer stuck, or acting out. All through play. Kristie was awestruck by what she saw; impressed, and inspired.
Children play because they are working out problems. We think children are drawn towards play because it is “fun.” Children are drawn towards play because it is how they experience the world, learn to relate, problem solve, develop empathy, communicate and otherwise process anything and everything they come into contact with. Through play, children get unstuck.
We know the importance and language of Play. Let us teach you.

Each generation says it is so much harder for their children’s generation. Well, if that past generations had it tough, this one takes the cake!
Our teens have so much more to deal with than we ever had. They have advanced technology in their hands usually before their first birthday. In addition to all the pressures we dealt with trying to get to adulthood, teens now have loads of information coming at them in rapid stream, and life happening at internet speed.
Anxiety for all ages has increased drastically in general, and sadly, especially for our teens.
We offer help for families with teens to connect and figure out how best to guide them into their adulthood.

It is completely normal to struggle in a family. It is a family! We all need a little help at times.
Being in a family, we will be hurt. It is part of being in a relationship. The hurt is not usually on purpose. There will be misunderstandings and stepping on each other’s feelings.
And so many times it isn’t about the hurts it is about the frustrations, discipline, bedtime, homework, aggression, illness, to little time together, etc.
We help families come together in therapy, figure some things out, understand yourself and each other better and how you interact as a family.
We want to help you enjoy your family.
We help families…family!

H,,,Kristie is a former sign language interpreter, fluent in American Sign Language and provides therapeutic services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients as well as their partners and families.
She taught ASL at the university level, for the government, and in elementary school, where she taught as a credentialed teacher.
Working with a therapist who knows how to sign is one thing, working with Kristie, who understands and is deeply connected to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, provides a much more powerful connection to do the work you need to do.
Kristie also does psychotherapy with Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients

Sometimes, being in a relationship can be the most frustrating, lonely place of all. There is hope, and lots of it!
The pain of having the same argument over and over is exhausting, and can feel hopeless. Working with one of our therapists and EFT, you learn to take the “off ramp to the crazy cycle that is robbing you of the love and connection you want.
We work on creating a positive connection and shape your relationship the way you want.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) has been empirically studied, has amazing results, and documented success.
“Research studies find that 70-75% of couples move from distress to recovery and approximately 90% show significant improvements” with EFT.
To learn more about Emotionally Focused Therapy listing to Dr. Sue Johnson, EFT Founder, explain how and why it works in our video resources.

To be adopted, you must first be relinquished, given up.
Many children who are adopted struggle with feelings of emptiness, abandonment, not being wanted and not belonging; all the while being told, “You were chosen.” It is a conflicting message for many adopted children, and adoptees who are now adults.
We understand these conflicting feelings, and work with children and adults who have been adopted. As well as the family dynamic that is being disrupted by their struggle.
If you, or your child, are struggling with issues of adoption, we want to help.
Contrary to what fairytales and movies display, there is much more to adoption than the “chosen one” story many adoptees are told.
It can be painful and challenging for the whole family. We are here to help.